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3D Modeling Design Sprint

Emily Huang

Updated: Mar 24, 2021

This 3D modeling brief is apart of an assignment for DES200. We have been tasked to 3D model and render our favourite childhood toy using an industry-standard CAD software package. The rendered output will be formatted into a promotional poster. By working through the design sprint, I have been able to successfully 3D model a Nintendo DS for a promotional poster.

The 3D modeling brief followed the design sprint where we list assumptions to understand the brief, research relevant precedents, identify gaps of knowledge, iterate potential solutions. Decide on the best solution, rapidly prototype, test on five main stakeholders and lastly reflect on successes, learnings and difficulties I encountered throughout the task.


- I managed to quickly understand the brief, which allowed me to list a significant extent of relevant assumptions for the 3D model and promotional poster

Although I had never used the Rhino Software, I focused on what I learned through youtube videos and the workshop, building shapes, extruding, the command 'cap' and 'boolen difference'.

- Throughout the entire design sprint, I was able to gain valuable feedback, which helped me to inform my final decision to model a Nintendo DS for a promotional poster

- I felt confident with creating the poster on photoshop as it was a software I felt comfortable with. I was able to quickly generate the poster once I had modeled the Nintendo Ds.


- A problem that I encountered was that I did not own a mouse required for using the Rhino software. I managed to mitigate this risk by contacting Jamie in the FabLab and loaning a mouse for the week. As a result, using Rhino was significantly smoother, and I achieved the 3D model I had designed for.

- Another challenger that I came across was my lack of expertise and knowledge for the Rhino Software. As this was a high-priority risk, I dedicated specific time to learn and experiment by watching a youtube video series. Slowly but steadily, I began to get the software's hang resulting in a successful final prototype.

Process Documentation

Initial step: Understand the brief and listing assumptions

Step 1: Find and research precedents relating to the 3D model and promotional poster

Step 1.5: Identifying gaps of knowledge, tools and prioritise actions to mitigate risks

Step 2: Iterating potential solutions for the 3D model

Step 3: Deciding on the best solution

Step 4: Building the prototype

Step 5: Test with five target users including my mum and two sisters Christine and Bella

Step 6: Reflect on learnings and stakeholder feedback

Statement of Intent

The goal of this 3D modeling task was to recreate our favourite childhood toy using and industry-standard software. As a result, I have successfully prototyped a Nintendo DS based around Mario Super Bros on the Rhino software application. This task's importance was to introduce and experiment with this new software which I now feel much more confident and familiar with. I have created a promotional poster with the Nintendo DS as the key aspect, alongside design principles such as hierarchy, colour and composition. The Nintendo is relevant in 2021 as Mario is a continually popular game among children and adults.

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